Look at these amazing posters designed by the children in our school to promote our 3 new healthy eating lunch box targets.
Pictured are the children who got picked as the most brilliant poster in their class.
Our overall winners were Conor 3rd, Sean 2nd and Noah 1st. Well done everyone
Our overall, winner Noah got a gift voucher for sports equipment and a huge hamper jammed full of tropical fruits and colourful veggies!
Our 3 school healthy lunchbox targets are:
1)索說 switch from white to brown/wholemeal bread, rice and pasta in lunch boxes.
2) pack at least 1 whole fruit or veggie per day and aim for 3. (On top of the other fruit we supply to children for free)
3) Make water or naturally flavoured water your drink!
Great to see such colourful whole foods in the children’s lunch boxes this week!